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White Paper

Project Lithium

Litium is a safe and reliable cryptocurrency. It was first created for funding a Finnish lithium mining project and to ensure a continuous supply of raw materials. This means that after the financing round, the currency will be tied to a fixed corporate and land ownership base.


Due to the explosive need for lithium, mining of it has to be expanded to meet the capacity required by battery factories. The most common uses of lithium based batteries are electric cars, mobile devices and laptops.


One of the largest lithium deposits in Europe has been found in Finland, and with the worldwide increase in demand of lithium, it's only a matter of time before a large-scale mining of lithium begins in Finland. The lithium project is progressing rapidly each day and several professionals are working hard to get the project up and running.


Litium Token

Litium operates on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and is a BEP-20 standard token. The code is simple and straightforward with no burns etc. BEP-20 is compatible with BEP-2 and Ethereum ERC-20. The BNB acts as a fuel for BEP-20 transfers. We chose BSC because it is the safest, cheapest and fastest network. In addition, no vulnerabilities have been found in it. The total amount of Litium is one billion tokens, of which 95% is set for the public circulating supply (950M+).

Contact & Team

Financing Litium LTD

Risks and Disclaimer

This White Paper has been created by Litium Ltd. While we have made this in good faith and to the best of our ability, customers should make their own independent research regarding matters in this White Paper, and rely upon their own judgement as to the accuracy and completeness of any information. Any reliance placed by the customer on any information shall be at their own risk and Litium Ltd and other related entities shall not be liable for any indirect or consequential loss whatsoever or howsoever arising.


Any interested party should ensure that they fully understand the terms of the transaction, including the relevant risk factors and any legal, tax, regulatory or accounting considerations applicable to them, prior to transacting. No information set out or referred to in this document shall form the basis of any contract.


The White Paper is not an offer to sell or solicitation. The information contained in here shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy LICs. No information in the White Paper should be considered to be investment, business, legal, financial, tax or technology advice regarding the LIC and the sale of LIC. You should consult your own investment, legal, financial, tax or other professional adviser regarding LIC and their respective businesses and operations, the LIC itself and the sale of LIC. You should be aware that you may be required to bear the financial risk of any purchase of LICs for an indefinite period of time.


The White Paper might be translated in other languages or used in the course of written or verbal communications with external parties. In the course of such alternative translation some of the information contained in the White Paper might be lost, corrupted or misrepresented. The accuracy of such alternative translations is not guaranteed. In case of any conflicts of inconsistencies between the White Paper and such alternative communication, the White Paper shall prevail. Litium reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of the White Paper, all associated contracts and the accompanying documents as published on the webpage at any time without prior notice.

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