How to buy
Public sale date to be announced soon!
Currently, it is not possible to purchase Litium in different marketplaces. If you'd like to invest in Litium before the public sales, contact us at:
See the Methods Below to Find out How to Invest in Litium
You can find LITIUM in the following exchanges:
Method 1 - Straight from Metamask (the Easier Way)
Step 1
Download Metamask wallet.
Step 2
Add BSC Mainnet to your Metamask so you can access your BNB
Go to Metamask settings (click top right corner to open menu --> settings)
Go to "Networks"
Click "Add a network"
Name of the network: BSC Mainnet
Chain ID: 56
Currency Symbol: BNB
Block Explorer URL:
Press save. You should now see your BNB balance (0 BNB). If not, make sure you are using BSC Mainnet from the top right corner of your screen.
Step 3
Buy some BNB, for example from
Step 4
Transfer BNB to your Metamask wallet. You can find your address from Metamask (beginning with 0x...)
Step 5
Click "Swap" on your Metamask wallet and paste 0x69b2514e7ff2c333b6ef8a9be8a87a090a03c294 into the search field and confirm the swap.
Method 2 - Pancakeswap
Step 1
Download Metamask wallet.
Step 2
Add BSC Mainnet to your Metamask so you can access your BNB
Go to Metamask settings (click top right corner to open menu --> settings)
Go to "Networks"
Click "Add a network"
Name of the network: BSC Mainnet
Chain ID: 56
Currency Symbol: BNB
Block Explorer URL:
Press save. You should now see your BNB balance (0 BNB). If not, make sure you are using BSC Mainnet from the top right corner of your screen.
Step 3
Buy some BNB, for example from
Step 4
Transfer BNB to your Metamask wallet. You can find your address from Metamask (beginning with 0x...)
Step 5
Step 6
Click "Connect" in the top right corner to connect to your Metamask wallet.
Click select currency and paste 0x69b2514e7ff2c333b6ef8a9be8a87a090a03c294 (the LIC contact adress, you can double-check it from if you want to) to the search field. Click import when it finds LIC.
Final step
Select the amount of BNB you want to transfer into LIC and hit "Swap". After a short while you should see the LIC in your Metamask wallet. If you get an error message saying "price impact too high", try to swap smaller amount of BNB.